

Fertility, Infertility, IVF Support

How Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs help poor egg quality and High FSH

Many women who suffer from high FSH and poor egg quality are told by Western Medicine doctors that there is a slim chance for conception. However, Acupuncture and Herbs can reduce FSH levels and increase egg quality by improving general health, increasing blood flow, and balancing reproductive hormones.

Herbs combined with Acupuncture and lifestyle changes can make a difference in improving egg quality. The quality of the egg is largely dependent on the hormone levels and general health of the body. In Dr. Zhou’s experience, poor egg quality and High FSH reflects a poor state of health rather than an inability to conceive. A stressful lifestyle is one of the largest contributing factors to poor egg quality.

As mentioned previously here, Acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries that will help nourish the ovaries and increase the ovarian function. In particular, Acupuncture and herbs build a stronger more nourished blood flow that increases the oxygen and nutrients available to the ovaries.

Acupuncture influences fertility by normalizing the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian Axis.  Stress disrupts hormonal communications between the brain and ovaries causing a hormonal imbalance. These imbalances can lead to irregular cycles, poor egg quality, and lack of ovulation.

For best results, Dr. Zhou recommends that patients commit to three months of Acupuncture and Herbs. This is primarily because follicular development takes three cycles to mature, so it is best to start treatment during its primary stage. Remember, nature cannot be forced into balance, having enough preparation time is essential for the body to balance itself. If you would like to have better egg quality and conceive naturally OR you would like to have a highly successful IVF please contact us at 972-671-6688 or by visiting our website here.


Fertility, Infertility, IVF Support

The Use of Acupuncture directly before Embryo Transfer| Acupuncture of Dallas

The Use of Acupuncture Directly Before Embryo Transfer

Acupuncture has increasingly grown in popularity as a method of enhancing an IVF cycle, particularly during the Embryo Transfer.  Acupuncture helps increase blood flow and circulation to the uterus which helps create a thicker uterine lining and enhances embryo implantation and growth. Acupuncture also helps in stabilizing hormones and relaxing the cervix and uterus creating an easier transfer process.

In a recent study the London Bridge Fertility, Gynaecology, and Genetics Centre of London did a research experiment on the positive effects of using acupuncture before and after Embryo Transfer. In the Acupuncture group, positive pregnancy rates were 44.6% comparing favourably to the non-Acupuncture group. In particular, Acupuncture was found to be most effective in women between 35-39 and  40+ age groups. This suggests that the use of Acupuncture during embryo transfer may be more effective in older women.

We generally recommend every IVF patient to come at least one month before the IVF cycle, however, if they have uterine lining issues to come three months before the transfer. Additionally, we also recommend that every IVF patient comes in for treatment the same day as the embryo transfer. If you are about to start the IVF cycle or frozen embryo transfer cycle please give our office a call at 972-671-6688 and visit our website for more information.

featured, Fertility, Health, Infertility

How Weight Affects Fertility Part One

Even though weight is one of the last variables looked at because it’s the least known it is worth mentioning that having regular workouts may help fertility. A study in Obstetrics & Gynecology concluded that women who exercised 30 minutes or more daily had a reduced risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders. On the other hand, some data links too much vigorous exercise with lowered fertility, as both a 2009 study in Human Reproduction and a Harvard study of elite athletes found.  Clearly, with both studies seemingly contradicting each other, there isn’t a definite amount of exercise  however it is safe to exercise moderately daily.

The optimal weight for conceiving is not equivalent to losing the drastic amount of weight to become a size two runway model. The best way is through BMI which the normal body range is 18.5 to 24.9. According to Dr. Brzski, the two extremes taxes the body’s hormones which disturb ovulation. A common misconception with women is that getting their periods means they are at a healthy weight and have normal fertility.

For more information on how Acupuncture can help Infertility, please go to our main website and contact us with any questions you have!
