Is your menstrual flow healthy?
Menstrual flow is all about shedding the uterine lining. The health of your menstrual flow can significantly influence embryo implantation. The orderly shedding and rebuilding of the uterine lining is important to stop any stagnation.
Pain is the main indicator for poor menstrual health which includes stabbing pain and cramps. Other main indicators include color and quality of the menstrual flow. If the menstrual blood is dark and black, this can indicate blood stasis. Likewise, if the flow is scanty or clotty this too can indicate poor menstrual flow.
Ideally, the menstrual flow should start and finish cleanly without any dark or clotty spotting before and after a period. The blood should also be a bright red, with no clots and not too thin or thick. There should also be little to no cramps or pain and should run relatively smoothly. This is the ideal menstrual flow that Acupuncture can help you restore. Therefore the previous cycle’s uterine lining should be completely shed so that a smooth base is provided for the healthier new lining to be built for the next cycle.
If you exhibit any of the above symptoms, or have a thin uterine lining and failed several frozen embryo transfer cycles please call our office at 9726716688 or visit our website.