

featured, Fertility, Infertility, IVF Support

Acupuncture increases IVF Success Rate-Acupuncture of Dallas Fertility

The success rate of treating infertility with Chinese medicine can be hard to determine since acupuncture’s treatment of infertility is a cumulative one. However, in 2008 studies were done to show that Acupuncture may increase IVF success rates by 65%. While these numbers only show a quantitative increase, acupuncture also focuses on the overall well-being of a person. It’s not just the number of eggs produced, it’s the quality of the eggs produced. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine seeks to nourish and stimulate the eggs to grow. Acupuncture is also found to improve the thickness and quality of the endometrial lining(enrich the blood flow).

As we have mentioned before, the optimal time to start acupuncture treatment is three months before the beginning of the IVF cycle. This will help ensure that your eggs and sperm are of the best quality that they can be. It often takes about 3 months for the eggs and sperm to mature. Those three months are also used to make sure that the periods function well with no cramps and clots, no dark red flow. Additionally, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine will address any underlying issues such as PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS, ovulation issues, High FSH etc. So, it is these months of regulating the reproductive system that gives you a much higher chance of success with IVF/IUI.

It is common to have higher stress during the IVF cycle and the possibility of side effects from drugs. Acupuncture can help reduce stress and side effects during IVF cycle.

If you are about to start an IVF/IUI cycle or just failed a medicated cycle, please contact us at 972-671-6688 or visit our website for more information on what we can do. Additionally, we have testimonials from IVF patients who used Acupuncture to conceive.


Acupuncture Dallas Fertility
featured, Fertility, Infertility

How does Acupuncture help Infertility? Part One|Acupuncture of Dallas Fertility

Acupuncture for Infertility is one of the most popular alternative treatments and is often used in conjunction with IVF/IUI. Acupuncture can also be solely helpful in conceiving naturally, for more patient testimonials on natural conceive go to our website. With extensive and successful experience in using TCM therapies to treat infertility, Dr. Zhou understands a great deal about her patients’ desires, aspirations, and frustrations.

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featured, Fertility, Health, Infertility

How Weight Affects Fertility Part One

Even though weight is one of the last variables looked at because it’s the least known it is worth mentioning that having regular workouts may help fertility. A study in Obstetrics & Gynecology concluded that women who exercised 30 minutes or more daily had a reduced risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders. On the other hand, some data links too much vigorous exercise with lowered fertility, as both a 2009 study in Human Reproduction and a Harvard study of elite athletes found.  Clearly, with both studies seemingly contradicting each other, there isn’t a definite amount of exercise  however it is safe to exercise moderately daily.

The optimal weight for conceiving is not equivalent to losing the drastic amount of weight to become a size two runway model. The best way is through BMI which the normal body range is 18.5 to 24.9. According to Dr. Brzski, the two extremes taxes the body’s hormones which disturb ovulation. A common misconception with women is that getting their periods means they are at a healthy weight and have normal fertility.

For more information on how Acupuncture can help Infertility, please go to our main website and contact us with any questions you have!
