

featured, Fertility, Health, Infertility

How Weight Affects Fertility Part One

Even though weight is one of the last variables looked at because it’s the least known it is worth mentioning that having regular workouts may help fertility. A study in Obstetrics & Gynecology concluded that women who exercised 30 minutes or more daily had a reduced risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders. On the other hand, some data links too much vigorous exercise with lowered fertility, as both a 2009 study in Human Reproduction and a Harvard study of elite athletes found.  Clearly, with both studies seemingly contradicting each other, there isn’t a definite amount of exercise  however it is safe to exercise moderately daily.

The optimal weight for conceiving is not equivalent to losing the drastic amount of weight to become a size two runway model. The best way is through BMI which the normal body range is 18.5 to 24.9. According to Dr. Brzski, the two extremes taxes the body’s hormones which disturb ovulation. A common misconception with women is that getting their periods means they are at a healthy weight and have normal fertility.

For more information on how Acupuncture can help Infertility, please go to our main website and contact us with any questions you have!

Health, Healthy Diet

Superfood to the Rescue-Yogurt

Yogurt: A superfood

Have you noticed that the yogurt section has been steadily increasing and now seems to have taken over the dairy section? Well being one of the healthiest dairy options out there it’s no wonder these are taking over supermarkets.

A word that gets thrown around a lot about yogurt is probiotics. Probiotics literally mean for life that can benefit when eaten in adequate amounts. Probiotics or “good bacteria” helps with digestion. It is important to note that only yogurts that say “live and active cultures” on the label actually contain probiotics.

Since Yogurt is a dairy product it contains high amounts of both calcium and Vitamin D which may help prevent osteoporosis. Yogurt may also reduce the risk of blood pressure. In a study done by the Harvard School of Public health, there was a “50% reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure among people eating 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy a day (or more), compared with those without any intake”.

If you are trying to get pregnant a study done by Harvard showed that “women who consume whole-milk dairy (like full-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and ice cream), as opposed to low- or no-fat dairy, have fewer problems with ovulation”. However, it is important to stick to 1-2 servings of full-fat yogurt.

Health, Healthy Diet

Superfoods to the Rescue-Avocados

Superfoods to the Rescue- A know your Superfoods series

I’m starting a new series entitled Superfoods to the rescue. Have you ever wondered exactly what fruits or vegetables can do for your body? Need that extra motivation to be healthy? I’m here to help with simple posts about the nutritional benefits of our favorite Superhuman foods.

Starting off with the Avocado which is actually a fruit, not a veggie mainly because of the humongous seed found inside. Avocados have been considered by some to be a superfood because it contains a lot of the basic nutrients we need daily. For one it is very high in potassium and will help to balance the ever important potassium-sodium ratio and helps control blood pressure levels. Secondly, the avocado contains all eighteen essential amino acids necessarily to form a complete protein with the added bonus that it’s the most easily absorbed protein because they contain fiber.

Avocados also provide the right kind of fats, like Olive Oil avocados boost HDL(good cholesterol) which helps protect against heart disease and diabetes. They have also been found to be helpful as anti-inflammatory agents as they contain Vitamin C and E, carotenoids(beta-carotene, alpha-carotene), selenium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

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