Acupuncture has long been associated with relieving stress, but now there is a new study that explains’s acupuncture’s benefit at the molecular level. Dr. Eshkevari, a professor at Georgetown University, and colleagues tested acupuncture on rats using needles. They had a control group with no added stress and no acupuncture, a group that received additional stress but no acupuncture and a group that received both stress and acupuncture.
As discussed in the previous article, how stress affects reproductive hormones, the body secrets additional hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into the blood which the researchers could measure in the rats. The researchers discovered that the “electronic acupuncture blocks the chronic stress-induced elevations of the HPA axis hormones”(Journal of Endocrinology). Unlike other more conventional methods such as drugs, acupuncture does not have any major side effects.
If you are struggling with stress especially during fertility please visit our website at for more information. If you have any questions please feel free to fill out the contact form in the sidebar or give us a call at 9726716688.