Our previous topic was why is blood flow important to fertility, today we will focus on how Acupuncture helps blood flow for fertility patients.
Acupuncture increases blood flow by deregulating(slowing down) the nervous system which in turn causes the blood vessels to dilate. When the blood vessels are dilated, they release more nutrient rich blood to the ovaries and uterus. When you improve blood flow to the ovaries, it increases estrogen rates and lowers FSH which will ultimately help you conceive. Increasing blood flow to the uterus will also help make the uterine lining thick which makes implantation easier. Poor egg quality can also be attributed to decreased circulation to the ovaries and uterus. In that case, Acupuncture can help increase blood circulation and flow thus improving egg quality.
A study published in Human Reproduction showed that after 8 acupuncture sessions uteral blood flow increased greatly. Those treatments combined with an acupuncture session before embryo transfer resulted in significant increases in pregnancy rate. (StenerVictorin E, et al Hum Reprod 1996; 11:1314-1317. Human Reproduction).
If you suffer from poor blood flow please visit our website at www.acupunctureofdallas.com or give us a call at 9726716688. Next time we will discuss how to know if you have poor blood flow.